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- When My Son With Autism Noticed a Man With Prosthetic LegsSeptember 13, 2022 - 8:05 pm
- Children with Disabilities are a Blessing, Not a BurdenAugust 27, 2019 - 2:10 pm
- The Life-Changing Impact of Inclusive SchoolsJanuary 29, 2019 - 11:24 am
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- When My Son With Autism Noticed a Man With Prosthetic L...September 13, 2022 - 8:05 pm
- Six Tips to Help Prevent Wandering and Wandering-Related...September 14, 2018 - 3:19 pm
- When My Son With Autism Noticed a Man With Prosthetic L...September 13, 2022 - 8:05 pm
- Andres’ storyMay 21, 2022 - 9:23 pm
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When My Son With Autism Noticed a Man With Prosthetic Legs
in ArticlesSeveral years ago, during one of our holiday trips, we went shopping at Downtown Disney. For those who aren’t familiar, Downtown Disney is an open mall, filled with shops and restaurants. The stores were crowded with vacationers and locals enjoying the holiday decorations.
As always, my son, Mike, was walking in front of me. I typically walk behind him. I guide him through crowds verbally and redirect him as needed. He tends to walks at an extremely fast pace; whenever I get ahead of him, he speeds up to pass me.
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Children with Disabilities are a Blessing, Not a Burden
in ArticlesAll children are a blessing. I don’t believe there’s an exception to that statement, which means kids with disabilities are as much of a blessing as if they didn’t have a disability. One is not better than the other. Different? Yes. More challenging? Sometimes. But a blessing just the same.
My youngest daughter has Down syndrome and when she was born — like other parents like me — rather than hearing, “Congratulations on the birth of your child!” We heard more people say, “I’m sorry.” It started with the doctor who delivered the diagnosis. As if my child would be a burden.
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The Life-Changing Impact of Inclusive Schools
in ArticlesMy daughter, Kelly, began early childhood classes with a handful of students with disabilities when she was almost 3 years old. Most of her classmates were nonverbal. They were secluded from other children in a small class in the back of the school. As kindergarten loomed ahead, I knew I wanted her to go to school with her typically developing peers. So, armed with information from the National Down Syndrome Society, I headed into her annual IEP.
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It’s March! National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month: 15 Things Everyone Should Know About Cerebral Palsy
in ArticlesIt’s March, which means it is officially National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month! In honor of Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, here are my top 15 things to know about cerebral palsy.
1. Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder.
Cerebral palsy refers to a group of non-progressive disorders affecting movement, balance and posture. The condition stems from deformities in the developing brain or from brain damage sustained before birth, during birth, or within the first three years of life. In cerebral palsy, the signals from the brain to the body are lost or redirected, resulting in the difficulties with movement people with cerebral palsy face.
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School and Beyond
in ArticlesOur eldest daughter has just finished school. She is neurotypical and has a bright, exciting future in front of her.
She is fortunate to be able to attend University this year. She will make new friends and have new experiences.
She is responsible, mature and independent.
Although we don’t know what the next few years will bring, we know she is on the right path to being an independent adult.
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Ten Toys for Children with Autism
in ArticlesWe asked parents and experts for a list of toys that may provide the best opportunities for fun and learning:
Simple First Words: Let’s Talk
Priddy Books
Look at the picture. Locate the matching button on the sound bar. Then, press the button to hear the word. That’s it! There are no other sound effects or music to distract youngsters from learning the simple, clearly spoken words. Reinforce finger-pointing skills by having the child use one isolated finger to activate. For those unable to isolate individual fingers, encourage them to use several fingers or a whole hand movement. (Board Book; 22 pages)
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Six Tips to Help Prevent Wandering and Wandering-Related Tragedies
in ArticlesFrom AWAARE: Autism Wandering Awareness Alerts Response Education Coalition
A research study confirmed what many parents know well: Wandering by children with autism is common, dangerous and puts tremendous stress on families. We also know that people with autism of all ages can have wandering tendencies. Review the resources and information below to help you develop a multifaceted safety plan which includes wandering prevention strategies.
1. Secure Your Home
Consider contacting a professional locksmith, security company or home improvement professional to promote safety and prevention in your home. You may find it is necessary to prevent your loved one from slipping away unnoticed by installing secure dead bolt locks that require keys on both sides, a home security alarm system, inexpensive battery-operated alarms on doors, placing hook and eye locks on all doors above your child’s reach, fencing your yard, adhering printable STOP SIGNS to doors, windows and other exits, etc.
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